Winter ‘20 Release Highlights – Part II

Salesforce Winter ‘20 Release Highlights – Part I
November 4, 2019
Winter ‘20 Release Highlights – Part III
December 3, 2019

Winter ‘20 Release Highlights – Part II

Every Salesforce release is jam-packed with new features, so we want to break it down into bite-sized pieces of information you can start exploring now.  Want to add images or formatted tables to your emails more easily? Ever wonder what kind of access each account team member has to related records? Read on to learn about these features, and more!

Know Who Sees What on Account Teams

If your team is using Lightning Experience, and using account teams, you will love the option to quickly review individual level of access of each team member to the account, opportunities and cases using the Team Member Access button.

Check out the details of Account Team access in Lightning Experience, as shown above. .

Let us know if you have questions about this feature or can’t locate the button in your accounts.  

This feature is available in Group, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited editions.

Save Ink with Printable List Views

Of course we know that the best way to save ink (and paper!) is to avoid printing lists altogether…but sometimes you still need a hard copy to share. Now there is a way to generate a more printer-friendly version of your lists with the click of one button: “Printable View”–(insert heart eyes!).  You will find this available on many standard objects, and also on custom objects.  For the complete details, you can read more here. But take a look at how easy this is:

With the click of a button, you have a printer-friendly version ready to go! 

This feature is available in several standard objects when using Lightning Experience in Group, Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance or Unlimited editions.  It isn’t available on related lists or Recently Viewed list views.

Powerful New Enhanced Search & Reporting Tools for Einstein Users

If you are using Lightning Experience in Unlimited, Enterprise or Performance editions, your org may have access to some great new search features. The search box becomes a powerhouse that will allow searching for natural language terms like “my leads this month”, or using other common lingo including “my”, “closed”, or “today”. You can also get Enhanced Instant Results; for example, you could hover over records suggested through this intelligent search, and have access while hovering to click buttons and take actions available on those records, or directly access related records or lists–instantly, without actually navigating to the record.  See more details hereGet in touch with our team so we can help you find out if these features are available for your org.

Better Mobile Experience Than Ever

You can now access Salesforce (Classic or Lightning) in Group, Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance or Unlimited editions using Safari from an iPad device. This is just a beta feature, but get in touch if you would like to try it out and we can make sure the option is turned on for your org!

Also, make sure you’ve installed the new Salesforce mobile app on your Apple or Android device and enjoy easy navigation and a highly configurable mobile experience.  Need help from our team to improve your mobile experience? Let us know!  

If you used the mobile app previously, you may notice that some of your options are now moved into the “Mobile Only” option when you click on the app launcher.  This new app may not be accessible for Essentials or users.

Add Images or Tables Directly to Emails

You can now copy and paste images or tables right into emails in Lightning Experience without taking extra steps (like saving the image as a file first).  You’ll even retain the table formatting!

Watch how easily you can add an image to an email now using copy and paste.

And below you can see how easy it is to paste in a formatted table to an email within Salesforce Lightning Experience.  

You’ll love these new features, unless you haven’t switched to Lightning yet!   If you are ready to plan your team’s transition to Lightning Experience, or want us to help your users embrace the transition, let us know.  

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We have more to share about new Lightning Report Builder features, plus Service Cloud, Communities and Content updates, so watch for our email next week!

Our team is here to help you to reach your goals!  Love what you are seeing? Want to talk about implementing these features in your salesforce org? Then get in touch

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