Outsourcing Relationships and Salesforce Administration

Cloud-Based Service Economy is The New Reality
September 14, 2016
Salesforce Is What We Love!
September 14, 2016

Outsourcing Relationships and Salesforce Administration

I read with interest an article over on CRM DAILY (link) that discusses a study about outsourcing business relationships, and how to ensure that such relationships are productive, fruitful and keep both sides engaged. The study found that less than 50% outsourcing contracts were renewed between 2013 and 2014. The article examines some of the reasons behind such a poor renewal rate.

Coming from the business-side, I can empathize that many such relationships are either taken for granted by the outsourcing partner, or that they simply do not invest enough energy in establishing and maintaining close relationships and focus on the business’ needs. Too often, the outsourcing becomes a robotic, “in-the-box” services that rarely brings fresh ideas and approaches to the table.

We here @forceninjas strive to be different. Our goal is to always stay engaged with our customers, actively “listen” to their needs, and be a resourceful and valuable partner for the long term. We never want to be just an “order taker” and mindlessly perform tasks, and call it a day.

That’s why we not only perform a comprehensive assessment of our customer’s environment, we also directly engage with key stakeholders personally to hear about their vision for their departments, listen to their needs and gaps they are experiencing. We continue to stay closely engaged, understanding that business needs are ever-changing. Being dynamic and in-step with our customers business flow is our greatest objective.

We invite you, the reader, to contact us for a free salesforce assessment. Let us show you how we can help.